Monday, October 10, 2011

Mister, Can You Spare A Drop?

Hello friends!

It's Monday...and a rainy Monday at that! Today I worked and then rushed over for a photo shoot with none other than the fabulously talented Ellie (obviously...) and the lovely and delightfully artistic and creative Shasta from The Traveling Cabinet. The purpose of the photo shoot was to promote her handmade clutches and earrings (check out her gorgeous Etsy shop there!). The rain showed up and put a bit of a 'damper' (ha...) on things, so the plan is to do another shoot in the future :) However, we were still able to get a few great shots!

So in other news...
I really love this color combination...

This nail polish is a current favorite... an easy color that  feels very chic.

I'm not sure how I feel about this skirt from H&M.
It was on the clearance rack and a little on the big side... See, I like the idea of it. And I do think I like it...I'm just not sure if it's the most flattering...? Maybe it's the length, or where it sits on my hips...maybe I'm just weird, because others seem to disagree.
Ah well.

I'm starting a sewing project tomorrow... (it's a verrrry slow week at work, and I have literally nothing to do, soooo I get to work on a project at my desk. Not too bad of a deal!)
Stay tuned...we'll see how this goes.

Until next time!



  1. lovely! on the contrary, I think this skirt suits you quite well :)


  2. I'm so glad you left a comment on my blog that led me here. This outfit is so cute! I love the skirt.

  3. Love your outfit, the skirt and boots are so pretty!
