Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Yet another fashion blog...

Dear fashion blogging world,

My name is Jessica, I'm from the frozen tundra (also known as Minnesota...), and I think we should be friends.

First things first, I have to confess something.

I  have a problem, and it's in the form of.... Too. Many. Clothes. I know some of you are thinking that there is no such thing, but there is, my friends....there is. So, I'm hoping that through this blogging process, I can make better use of my wardrobe and wear what I like and want to wear... (more on all that later?). 

Oh, and you'll meet Ellie, Oh My Darling's "official photographer," and best friend of yours truly! You should want to be her friend too.... She's really wonderful :) 
 Click this link...http://epphotography.zenfolio.com/ and check out her work. Seriously, go on....do it. :) 

I'll post a "real post" tomorrow, with an outfit picture and everything! But, I wanted to get the formalities out of the way first...

So, say you'll stop in and stay awhile? 
Okay, great. Until tomorrow!

Love, Jessica

1 comment:

  1. I just chanced upon your blog. I love your intro post and think you and Ellie are already my friends :). Love the blog so far. Can't wait to read more of your posts and see all of your fashion!
